26 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

    • Thank you Christina. I’m struggling to get going again after having the flu. On my first trip outdoors I found that hellebore in full flower. Such a cheerful sight. And more buds to come. And all the snowdrops are poking through. Soon be spring, I hope. x

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  1. So lovely. I need to cut back the leaves on mine, I saw that there are buds underneath when I checked yesterday but that’s just one of the many tasks awaiting in the garden. Hope you’re feeling better – isn’t it always the way when you’ve been so busy that time to wind down equals time to be unwell! All the best for 2018, Karen.

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    • Thank you Caro. Luckily I’m up and about today, for a short while. Some walkers from the village dropped by and it was lovely to be able to show them a deep plum hellebore by the front door. Cheered us all up no end. All the best for 2018. See you at Hodsock and GPE xx


    • Thank you Jackie. It’s certainly cheerful and so early. It just happens to be in a sunny sheltered leafmould filled dip in the garden. I’ve got some beautiful lime green hellebore argutifolius in a crack in the paving by the back door. They provide just some joy at this time of the year when most needed. Thanks for reading and getting in touch. All the best. Karen


      • It made me venture into the garden to search for Hellebores in flower, I found several in bud so I can watch them as they develop. I always read the blog, tho’ often don’t comment as it has all been said!!

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      • Thank you Jackie. I love watching those buds. It’s the promise of what’s to come. Please keep saying hello on here. Otherwise I just feel like I’m talking to myself. I do a lot of that already :)) Thanks again. Karen x


  2. Beautiful and early for a red one? I cut off ALL my hellebore leaves today (only a couple of freckled whites in a very sheltered spot are flowering here) and will add them to the bonfire pile. I don’t have hellebore spot but I love to see the flowers emerge without the competition of leathery leaves. My Corsican hellebores have been flowering for a couple of weeks now and with the snowdrops just starting to join in under the pear tree that bit of the garden is looking fine. I love the beginning of a new growing year. Everything seems possible! Happy New Year Karen and hope you’re back to full strength very soon.

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    • I can picture all of that! Sounds wonderful. I’ve got the glorious lime green Corsican hellebore flowering in a crack in the paving next to the back door. Everything does now seem possible. Thanks for your good wishes. I am starting to feel a little bit better. Thanks again. x


Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. It's nice to know I'm not talking to myself on here.