In a Vase on Monday. Daylight photos

I feel rather guilty for the dark, poor quality photos posted last night. I shouldn’t have lingered on the footpath, looking at the wildlife. It was dark by the time I reached home.

So today, I rushed back – and it was still daylight! It feels as if it is getting lighter. It’s a month past the shortest day and plants in the garden are moving. The sap is starting to rise.

Anyway, thank you for your kind comments on all my photos – even when the quality leaves a lot to be desired.

Here’s the same flowers that were posted yesterday for IAVOM – in daylight conditions today.

The “workings ” are a willow heart with a kokedama vase tied on with string. I’m not using florists foam as there’s growing concern about it polluting water courses and not being recyclable. No one would ever know that the vase is a jam jar covered in moss from the garden, with green twine wound over and over to make the kokedama “nest.”

It’s easy to top up the water every day, and the flowers seem to last just as long. In fact they probably last longer, because each day you can fish out the posy and trim a tiny amount off the stems. Refresh the water, and all’s well.

We are all trying to find our way through the new circumstances we find ourselves in. No one can ”un- see” David Attenborough’s Blue Planet programme. The film of the whale carrying its dead calf will stay with us always. As will the pictures of the beeches and ocean polluted with plastic. I for one will find alternatives for florists foam, until a recyclable ”green” alternative is produced. I’m using test tubes and mini glass vases, hidden in moss. I don’t feel as if my flower arrangements are suffering.

Thank you to Cathy for hosting IAVOM at

10 thoughts on “In a Vase on Monday. Daylight photos

  1. Karen think like me: use plastic as little as possible and if you have to use it reuse it in a thousand ways until it is so old that you deposit it in the plastic recycling container. Your kokedama is great and beautiful, I love it like the heart of willow. Now your bouquet is much more charming and precious: I love it, I adore it. It is a shame to see in the documentaries the floating islands of plastic in the ocean and see the whales beach on the beach and die for having their stomachs full of plastic. Even the fish that we eat have microplastics that are only seen under the microscope in their bloodstream and we eat them. It is awful. I use the water bottles to plant seeds by opening them in half. The 5 liter water drums also cut them and I use them to plant seeds or just cutting the bottom part as mini greenhouses for the newly planted plants in the garden by placing them on top of them in a bell, at night in case the temperature drops a lot . Is that my father and I have bad kidneys and we have to drink mineral water. Karen the photos are magnificent. I liked the blog and I know that my friend also cares about the environment like me. Greetings, love and memories from me for your Mother. For your family love and health. For you love, health, strength and rest. Take care. Very loving greetings from Margarita.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Margarita. We share all the same ideas about the environment. Your suggestions are very good ideas. I’m sorry to hear about your problem with your kidneys. Thank you for your very kind words. Sending love 💗 and greetings. Karen xx


    • Thank you Eliza. I like to find solutions to our problems. I can’t believe I’ve used that foam for years and not given a second thought to it being non recyclable. The ones I have left will be wrapped in moss and used as a frame. They won’t go into land fill. Thanks again for reading the blog.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As always, some lovely arrangements to cheer us, Karen. Especially welcome in mid winter. And the lighting on the flowers is perfect against the fading day. I often see something looking good to photograph at that time of day but never seem to have my camera to hand! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We can all do our bit…..wear natural yarns: wool, cotton, linen…and wear them for a long time. With flowers and arrangements its the same: finding ways to not use plastic. Your arrangement shows wonderful results without plastic.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Noelle. I must admit, my clothes are quite ancient! I’ve got some lovely ankle boots – British made by Holmes- that are 35 years old and look brand new. They are as comfortable as slippers. Luckily, they are just a simple style that doesn’t go out of fashion. I used to make all my own clothes when I was younger. I’m just starting to think about sewing again, now I have more time. Thank you for reading.


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