Six on Saturday – 9th March 2019

Flashes of light in the wild garden. Anemone blanda White Splendour. It’s full of bees today. White Stands out well against a leafmould carpet. I love the golden stamens.

Wild primroses escape from the hedgerow and colonise the lawn. We will mow around them.

Wild violets all along the hedgerow. Fabulous scent. More bees.

Talking of scent, these hyacinths, Carnegie White and Delft Blue, are still going strong on the greenhouse trolley. I’m enjoying shuffling the plant pots around for my “potted garden” display. Must admit, I got the idea from Monty Don. His “little pots of delight” always caught my attention. Last autumn, I threw lots of bulbs unceremoniously into shallow pans and Sankey pots, and stuffed them under the greenhouse benches. Corkscrew hazel twigs are holding the hyacinths up. ( Thank you Mary for dropping two sacks of twigs on the grass verge for me. 🙂)

From little terracotta pans – to this giant Italian pot, bulbs look great in any container. This is packed full with 50 white tulips. After I’d planted them, I thought I’d layer up with other bulbs to extend the flowering season. There’s white crocus Joan of Arc, anemone blanda, blue hyacinths, and blue violas, topped off with narcissi February Gold.

It’s really worth buying top-size bulbs. These crocus have three flower stems per bulb. It prolongs the crocus season. So cheerful now the weather has turned cold and windy. We need all the cheer we can get. It’s currently sleeting here, and snow is said to be on the way. Enjoy your gardening weekend, and try to keep warm. I will be in the greenhouse- with the heating switched on!


Six on Saturday

Anemone blanda

Bulbs :

Bulb compost :

48 thoughts on “Six on Saturday – 9th March 2019

  1. Putting twigs into hyacinth pots is a great idea which I first saw Sarah Raven use when I went on a course at Perch Hill. I think they also add a certain welcome structure (and I use them in big flower arrangements – pedestals for the church – from time to time for that reason).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh what a good idea to use the twisted hazel for propping up hyacinths – I think I will take that on board too. It’s certainly more elegant than the alternatives. Love the trolley as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Karen all your flowers I love, they are magnificent and the bees will be delighted. The soft Anemone White Splendor is divine. The wild springs in the green meadow are wonderful. All the pots on the greenhouse car have flowers that I love like the Jagietos Carnegie White and Delft Blue. The giant clay pot is a source of beauty with the amount of bulbs it houses in bloom for months: I love it, I love it, I love it. I’ll copy it for next year, plus I already have the pot! The white Crocuses Joan of Arc I like very much, they are very beautiful. Karen thank you very much for showing us your wonderful flowers from your garden: they are a treasure and they have made me smile. I’m sorry it’s cold and it’s going to snow. Warm up very well and stay warm. Very good idea of ​​the Greenhouse! Here today is 20ºC, but they say that this week the weather will change. Hopefully! Thanks for the links, I like them a lot. Karen love, health, strength and happiness for your whole family and for you. Take care and rest. Very loving greetings from Margarita.

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    • Thank you Margarita. It’s been perishing cold – and it did snow, but didn’t settle. It’s only 8C tonight. I’m having to take extra measures to keep warm. I didn’t have any trouble during February, but there’s a really cold wind here now. Brrr. Keep warm also. Loving greetings to you all and many thanks. Karen xx


  4. I love the wild violets – seems an odd question but I’m wondering if I can buy them anywhere! Beautiful crocus too, looking pefect in the spring pot. My anemones are only just in bud, the London bubble is not doing it’s job!!

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  5. Good idea these tortuous stems of hazel … I have a friend who gave me stems to make cuttings last Sunday. He has a huge hazel tree in his garden that produces even nuts and I will try to get one shrub here … If it’s like the common hazel, I should succeed!
    What a beautiful Anemone Blanda! Mine are dark blue and light blue. The white is super nice too

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    • Thank you. Hadn’t thought of taking cuttings! Great idea! Yay. Then I’ll have my own supply. A friend dropped these on the grass verge for me. They are so useful! Enjoy your weekend . K

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    • Oops; I do know that one. I have not tried it yet, but have seen it in catalogues. It supposedly does well here, even with redwood litter, but I have not seen it in anyone else’s garden. I don’t like to be the first to try something, but might be the first for this one.

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      • I found it appealing because it looks wild. I am told that it tolerates redwood litter, but I sort of wonder how anyone knows if no one has grown it here yet. Someone must have done so somewhere else in redwood country.

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