Spring recipes for Garden News Magazine

Rhubarb is one of my favourite crops from the garden. It takes virtually no maintenance, comes up every year without any fuss and provides food from early spring to summer, for a one off payment for the plant.

To be honest, my rhubarb plant didn’t cost a penny. It was a division from my father-in-law’s garden. I’ve had it for at least 10 years, and he grew it in his garden from the moment he bought the house in the late 1950s. I love money-saving crops and ones that are easy to grow.

My rhubarb is growing in a semi-shaded spot under a hawthorn hedge. The secret to its success is the compost bins sited right next to it. All the nutrient-rich liquid feed seeps out from the bottom of the compost bins straight into my rhubarb patch. Rhubarb is a hungry plant and usually growers plant it on top of a pile of manure. I’ve not used manure here for many years as it brings in so many weed seeds. But my plants are healthy and thriving thanks to my home-made compost and liquid feed.

Let me know if you try out my recipe. The granola is especially useful as it can be used as a breakfast cereal, or sprinkled over fruit and cream or yoghurt, or even ice cream to add crunch, flavour and nutrition. The idea for the rhubarb cream came from Jill Fish, as mentioned in the magazine. Jill’s recipe used only rhubarb, but I had used most of my available crop and just had a small amount, so added an apple, and it worked perfectly!

Many thanks for reading my blog. Have a great gardening weekend!