#wordlesswednesday -view from the potting shed

Beech trees. I love them. For about a week, the potting shed windows are illuminated by a golden glow. It looks like all the walls inside are painted ochre yellow. Such a cheerful sight and a treat before we are plunged into the darkness of winter.

21 thoughts on “#wordlesswednesday -view from the potting shed

    • Must admit, the beech tree glory only lasts about two weeks. But for that fortnight, it is as if we are bathed in gold. After that, it’s bare stems until the first week of May. Thanks for reading and for getting in touch.

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      • The beeches as well as the horse chestnuts are two of the European trees that we should be using more of here (where water is not a problem). There is an American beech as well. Either way, we should be using different trees from what we have been using. Pistache and sweetgum break pavement, and need more work than beeches and horse chestnuts.

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  1. Karen Beech has a special golden on its leaves. How lucky to have so many in your garden: it’s beautiful. And to have a shed in which to be with the light filtered by the sun in the beech trees must be almost magical. A place to think sheltered from the cold Autumn and that sure smells of the countryside. A place to let yourself be carried away by the golden light … Wonderful! Memories to your Mother. Loving greetings from

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    • You have such a lovely way with words. You should write a book, Margarita. Your words are magical. They match the photos exactly. Thanks as ever for reading – and for getting in touch. It’s always lovely to see your comments. Greetings from karen and Mum xx


  2. You may have noticed that our neighbour (on the hedge/woodland side) has a VERY large beech on his boundary – well, more than very large in fact! Much as I like trees it casts such a lot of shade and would do a huge amount of damage if it was ever accidentally struck down – but in the meantime its colour in autumn is always wonderful. Unlike those in your photo, I don’t think it has really started to change yet this year – but I will check tomorrow!

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