Cheese, parsley and chive bread rolls

This week’s recipe for Garden News Magazine.

I like these multi-packs of seeds as they save money. As well as growing the chives and parsley, I can highly recommend the cinnamon basil which smells and tastes divine. Are you growing herbs from seed this spring? It’s an economical way to grow them and you don’t have to sow the whole packet at once. I often save half a packet for the next year.

These windowsill seed and box kits are recommended. I wrote about them here:

Let me know if you have a go at making these bread rolls. They are such a lovely accompaniment to spring vegetable soup. I’m making cream of celery soup today, using celery grown over winter in the unheated poly tunnel. Tastes nothing like the bland celery you buy from the shops. It’s so sweet and crunchy!

Happy gardening everyone!

4 thoughts on “Cheese, parsley and chive bread rolls

  1. Karen they look scrummy those rolls.

    I appreciate the reminder about overwintered clelery. I still have two red ones needing careful harvesting. I’ll try just a stick at a time to see if that works.

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    • Yes, I just took a few sticks at a time and let the heart grow. Also when I cut them right down I left the base and roots to regrow. Slugs like far wide stems and tunnel up through them, so best to harvest young stems- I’ve discovered.


  2. My parsley and chives came back again this spring, so no need to sow any more for now. I always grow basil from seed, but find it tastes best if grown outside in the sun here, so will sow it in June. I make loads of pesto with it which I can freeze. 😃 Celery soup is one of my favourites, but my other half won’t eat celery… he wasn’t brought up with it and prefers kohlrabi which I am not keen on! LOL! Enjoy your soup Karen!

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