My nephew is competing in the Olympics…

Something cheerful to report. My nephew, John Gimson is sailing for Britain in the Olympics in Japan.

Photo credit: @sailingenergy

Here he is, with team mate Anna Burnet, flying the flag in the Olympic mixed multihull Nacra 17 class.


We’ve been cheering from home and sending lots of love and encouragement. There have been a few tense moments, but so far John and Anna have won two races and come second in the third.


We’ve been wowed by these photos posted by the British Sailing Team on social media. It’s so wonderful to see John out there in Enoshima doing what he loves best. Particularly as the Olympics were cancelled last year. It’s been hard for all sports people to keep training to such a high level for another year.

This is a photo of John and Anna when they became World Champions in February last year in Geelong, Victoria. No doubt their home sailing club at Rudyard Lake in Cheshire, where John learned to sail, will be delighted to see how well they are doing.

We are incredibly proud of John and Anna. It’s been humbling to watch their determination to reach the top. And it’s fabulous to be watching the Olympics, knowing my nephew is competing. I’m a very proud aunt indeed.

You can join in and watch live coverage on Eurosport player or Discovery+. The BBC is providing daily reports at 4.30pm and hopefully the medal races next week will be live on the BBC.

Also follow on Instagram @britishsailing. And for John it’s @teamgbnacra. Search for the hashtag #britishsailingteam. I’ll send updates as soon as we know more.

There’s more information on the British Sailing Team website at

Isn’t it exciting to be watching all our fabulous sportspeople excelling in their chosen fields. Are you enjoying watching the Olympics this year? Get in touch and let me know.

Thanks, as ever for reading my blog, and for all the kind messages on here and via email letting me know how much you enjoy reading my posts. I’m so pleased to hear that my gardening stories have cheered you up these last few years when things have not been easy for any of us. Admittedly, today this isn’t a gardening post, but I thought I would share it as it’s something happy to celebrate. Take care and have a good weekend.

I am @kgimson on twitter and karengimson1 on instagram.

28 thoughts on “My nephew is competing in the Olympics…

  1. Karen you have to be very proud to have a nephew like John who with his very, very hard work has become part of the United Kingdom Olympic Sailing Team. She now she must be very happy competing alongside her partner Anna in the Olympics: I wish them all the best. That they get the gold (if there are no Spaniards in the same category!)! The photos are fantastic. Karen congratulations on your nephew. Karen I have not written before because I have been in bed for a week because of one of my herniated discs at the lumbar level. I was cleaning the terrace, where we have stored the 50 l bags of earth and the pots and I raised them to the height of the railing to remove all the soot, holding them with one hand and the pots one by one that are made of clay, and putting them in their site. I went down to the street and when I went up the stairs my back and legs started to hurt. And in the afternoon I could no longer move from pain in my legs, groin, lower back, waist and back. Gaining weight destroyed me !!!!! And it has given me an attack that I cannot even sit down. I’m better now and I was able to take the computer, but my lower back hurts a lot when I write. Karen, how are these Olympics early in the morning and I sleep badly, I can’t see them. I did see the previous Olympic Games: I like gymnastics, athletics, they are my favorites. I follow the other sports on the news. That is what I am doing this year: follow all the results in the news of Televisión Española, the state network that broadcasts the Olympic Games and makes summaries of more than half an hour in the news. As I have always written a lot, forgive me Karen. I hope that all your family, Mr B and you are in good health and I am very happy with how happy you are with your nephew. Take good care of each other. Much love for your whole family, Mr B, for you and for the whole Gang. I wish you all the best. Very affectionate greetings from Margarita xxx 😘⛵🌊💙🐬

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  2. An amazing time for them, their familes, friends and home club. Enjoy it and very good luck to the pair of sailors. I wish all contestants a safe journey into their final ports.

    I am thrilled with the swimmers from Scotland. Well done Stirling University!

    Good luck, good games, to all classes of competitors, too numerous to name. !!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That is marvelous that your nephew is competing in the Olympics this year. I’m watching when grandson David turns on the TV. This is a busy time for us with grandson Nathaniel here for the weekend and his mother coming for a week.

    Good luck to your nephew!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How exciting for you and all your family Karen! Such hard work, self-discipline and dedication needed to compete at that level. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for them 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well done John and Anna…

    I am obsessed with the Olympics – not good for my sleep patterns but it is only once every four years or so!

    It is so nice to have things to be cheerful and proud about and I am sure they will do well.

    Nicki xx


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