Hozelock Pure Bokashi Composter on Trial- and one to give away- Saturday 21 March 2020

During these stressful and uncertain times, I swing between trying to keep things normal, and sitting pondering the dire straits we are in.

I’ve asked all my contacts in the gardening world to supply prizes for readers of this blog. I am determined to keep our spirits up! I’m very grateful everyone has so far responded with overwhelming generosity, and there will be a steady stream of little gifts to give away.

Today’s prize is a Hozelock bokashi home composter. I’ve never tried one of these before, but it seems a great idea. We will perhaps all be trying to grow at least some food this spring and summer. The best way to feed our crops is with home-made compost. Not everyone has space for a large compost bin. This one can sit in the kitchen, porch, garage or garden shed.

Compost is made by adding bran to food waste and peelings every day. The lid is tight fitting and there’s no smells from the composter.

The lid reminds me of those Tupperware containers you used to be able to buy. It’s tight- fitting, but easy to get on and off.

Inside the composter there’s some bran, a scoop and and container to catch the liquid feed that comes from the tap.

There’s a leaflet giving comprehensive instructions. The bottom of the bucket has a colander type filter to stop waste dropping down into the liquid feed collection area.

There’s a reservoir at the base of the bin to collect the liquid.

There’s a tap at the base of the composter. Liquid feed is rich in nutrients. It can be diluted down 1 to 10 with water and used to feed tomatoes, salads and vegetables. And it’s free. That’s the beauty of composting, you are using your waste peelings and food and turning it into something useful for the garden.

All is explained in the leaflet contained in the box. Resulting compost is apparently called ‘digestate.’ How it is made is magical indeed, and I am constantly amazed by nature. The resulting compost is very high value and good for the garden.

I would use the liquid feed for my orange trees, which are starting to produce this summer’s crop in the greenhouse. Just in time for orange cakes and marmalade.

Please leave a comment below if you would like to be entered in the prize draw for a bokashi composter. Hozelock will choose a winner, randomly selected. Usual rules apply, there’s no cash alternative. Prizes may vary from the ones shown. Sorry it’s for UK entries only due to postage costs. Good luck everyone.

I realise composting might not be uppermost in everyone’s minds just now, but we have to keep going. Gardening is certainly keeping me sane at the moment when there seems to be everything to worry about. Please let me know what you are growing, and what methods you are using to keep motivated!

Lots of love, karen x

37 thoughts on “Hozelock Pure Bokashi Composter on Trial- and one to give away- Saturday 21 March 2020

  1. Pingback: Winners! Thank you for entering the prize draws on this blog. Here are the recent winners’ names: | Bramble Garden

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  3. Oh, that sounds scary, like something that could blow up if the lid fits too tightly. It must be nice for those without space for a compost pile, or for those who want something more refined from their compost.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I considered one of these as I have had maggot issues with my food waste caddy and with a caddy for peelings etc too I decided they weren’t big enough so I bought a Hot Bin last December. I haven’t started putting the food waste in it yet in case it wasn’t quite hot enough and strangely we now get pink mould in that caddy which we never had before. Must check temps today! Sorry to hear about your abandoned travel plans and hope you haven’t lost money


    • Cathy, it is worth considering using the hot water container as a starter with your veg waste now. That will at least start the process. I put cardboard or thin sheets of newspaper on top after each bucket of scraps and then the hot water container on top of that. It is only a 2 litre milk bottle and can be reused many times. They are expensive so I feel that it worth getting it started as the spring weather and sun heats compost making minibeasts and things up. Mine lwas the first grass mowing on the very top and heating nicely . Need to put some more cardboard in . When that sinks a bit I’ll put the hot water container in.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for that – I did use the container early on and the temperature has built up well so I am probably just putting off taking the plunge. I have just emptied the food waste caddy so instead of beginning to fill it again I will put waste in the Hot Bin instead – I promise!

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  5. I know this isn’t supposed to be a discusiion about composting generally, but problems with rats and fruit flies, bones, meat and cat litter (not the poops) all seem to be sorted with my Green Johanna. I was given mine a couple of years ago and find it really useful. Depending on the season, I make different sorts of compost in everything from the Green Joanna, Daleks, New Zealand pallet bins, wormeries and a coal bunker. I’m lucky in that I have horse muck as accelerators/bulking agents. Compost eventually happens but if we want it more quickly it needs aerating/turning to get oxygen in. Both Stanford and Cornell universities have great instructions for this.

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  6. Couln’t make the comment ‘stick’ yesterday so I’m putting it again. Hope this doesn’t mean you get it twice.

    Please forgive me for not commenting in ages, then rushing to leave a note when I would terribly much like to win in your Hozelock composter draw – I’m finding typing one handed while my other arm is broken (on top of everything else!) such a bind that I’ve simply not been doing it.
    This composter would be brilliantly useful. I have a big black compost bin on my allotment but it has three problems. One is that rats burrow in and steal the vegetable waste so the pile of actual compost hardly grows. The other is that the liquids from the compost are uncollectable, they simply seep into the soil where it stands. The third is that after my leukaemia treatment I have to be wary of coming into contact with compost and moulds so even when my arm is mended, I won’t be able to turn the little compost which remains after rats have feasted!
    My allotment is an un-fed desert after having to let it be untended for more than a year (except for a friend strimming it to keep the weeds down). The soil was already poor. To the extent that I will be able to plant out the seeds that I am starting off at home now, they will need individual feeding and attention so a small, efficient, rat-proof composter which produces liquid as well as small amounts of solid compost would be exactly what I am needing this year!
    Hope all’s well and best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Lucy, thanks for reading. Yes, the composter would be perfect for you. I have the same problem with rats, so no peelings or waste food scraps can go in my outdoor composters. I have a hot bin which is sealed and I use that. They can’t break into there. But it still requires trekking to the veg plot. So this bin is perfect to be kept in the little glass porch off the back of our kitchen. Actually in the spirit of trying to do something positive, I’m giving my trial composter to a friend who hasn’t got any bins at all. I know they will get the maximum use out of it. So sorry to hear of your problems with your broken arm. Hope it mends swiftly and you can get back in the garden soon. I must admit, all my travel plans have been put in the dustbin. I felt very sad yesterday shredding all the train tickets and itineraries. This is the first year I’ve felt well enough to travel a bit. Never mind, there’s always next year. Lots of love. And thanks again for reading. Karen. xx good luck in the draw. πŸ’šπŸŒ±


  7. I use Bokashi bins – they are brilliant. But you really need two – one being filled and the other filled and ‘cooking’ – no it doesn’t get hot, just couldn’t think of a better word. When the second one is filled, empty out the first and start again. I keep mine outside in a sheltered spot outside the kitchen door.

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  8. I trained as a Master composter with Garden Organic at Ryton, we had a demo of these and other systems. I’ve used all the others but never this one !
    Sadly the scheme is no longer supported by Northants County Council but I do still advise and give demos to garden clubs, allotments etc on a voluntary basis. I would love to try this one, could be very useful due to its compact size.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. That’s interesting. Maybe you could set up a u tube demo for composting. I know a lot of people would like to learn more. Thanks again for reading. Good luck in the draw. Karen


  9. Karen, I really like that you take that attitude: call all UK suppliers and they have responded so well by offering their products for free. This is the altruistic and heart of gold Karen who is dedicated to helping people in any way she can. And you help a lot by giving gardening things on your wonderful blog to your followers or people who have read it by chance: you don’t care, the important thing is to help keep people’s spirits high in these bad times. The Hozelock Bokashi Composter is a wonder and very complete, to whom it may concern, a luxury. I neither can nor want to participate. But I want to thank you my dear friend for your plan to give away gardening things. Lots of love, lots of encouragement, washing your hands, being at home, lots of health, lots of strength and a lot of hope for all your family, Mr B and for yourself. Keep everyone safe and take good care of everyone. Loving caresses for Grace and Meg. All confined at home and enjoy the garden. Much love and all the best. Very affectionate greetings from Margarita xxx


  10. I can think of many reasons to cogitate over composting, apart from gardening. I’ll stick to the subject matter though. It is a very neat looking device based on a very simple process. It is nice to see that not everything has to be complex. The size of the container is ideal for a small household with limited space to develop the nutrients. It is likely to prove a hit for window gardening.

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  11. We don’t have room for a garden waste composter, and this seems perfect for all the kitchen waste. As we don’t need to put out much recycling except the food waste which consists mainly of peelings as we don’t waste any edible produce, then this would be perfect for us. Feeling lucky today.

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  12. Hi Karen. I have seen these advertised but we tried a wormery last year instead. It worked well until it got infested with fruit flies in the autumn – as we had to keep it indoors due to extremes of temperature the worms were rehomed in the compost heap! The liquid fertiliser is very good. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ Our weather has reverted from 17Β°C yesterday to 1Β°C today! A shock to the system! Thank goodness I wasnβ€˜t tempted to plant anything out or sow seeds yet as frosty nights are forecast. We are keeping our spirits up by eating nice food and ringing friends. Long dog walks will also help. 🐾🐾 Take care Karen. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh that’s good to hear cathy. We are clearing out the potting shed and making it a nice place for me to work. Puppy has just had an operation, so can’t be walked at the moment, we are all missing our long walks. The wormery problem. We had that. I just made sure it was drier as the flies like it wet. I also put a piece of carpet over the food and worms so flies couldn’t lay their eggs. That worked for us. Good luck in the draw. Keep smiling x

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll just whizz out and measure it. Good point. I think it’s meant to be kept in the kitchen. Or a porch or garage. Not outdoors. Good luck in the draw πŸ™‚


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