National Garden Scheme launches its 2024 campaign.

On a cold January day, there’s nothing more exciting than sitting in on a zoom launch event highlighting all the fabulous places set to open for the National Garden Scheme this year. I want to visit them all! In particular, I’m looking forward to visiting Sarah Price’s plot which is opening for the first time for the NGS. Sarah’s garden, The Chain, opens as part of the Chapel Gardens Group in Gwent on 14 and 15th June.

The Chain is a two acre walled garden which Sarah has created over the past nine years. Habitats include a pond, meadow, recycled sand and gravel planting areas, damp shade, and dry shade under mature oak trees. Anyone who saw last year’s Chelsea flower show couldn’t fail to be captivated by Sarah’s show garden which featured drifts of Benton End irises. I’m really excited to see what she’s growing in her own plot.

Sarah’s plot is just one of a series of designers’ gardens opening this year.

Photo copyright: Andrew Lawson

The Barn at Serge Hill, Hertfordshire, is Tom Stuart-Smith’s garden which is opening for its 30th year for the NGS on 2nd June. I visited last summer, and the courtyard garden, pictured above, is beautifully- planted with blue salvia ‘Amethyst’ and yellow euphorbia seguieriana subs. niciana. Unusual trees, yellow-flowering Genista aetnensis, add height to the courtyard and their reflections to the long, thin water trough features.

Photo copyright: Andrea Jones

The surrounding prairie meadows are full of bees and butterflies. Many ideas to glean for planting combinations. In the foreground there’s Echincea, Eryngium yuccifolium, and Silphium laciniatum (compass plant). Plants tower over you as you walk along the twisting paths.

Quite a unique idea is the Plant Library at Serge Hill. It’s a great way to see the height and spread of plants, as well as their growth habit.

Photos copyright: Val Corbett

Another garden I’m hoping to see is Grendon Court, Hereford, designed by Tom Stuart-Smith and opening 2nd June and 15th September. You can see Tom’s trademark herbaceous borders,including drifts of long-flowering plants, grasses and focal point topiary.

Teepees of climbing roses and deep pink peonies complement the barn walls.

Another view of the striking topiary at Grendon Court. Enticing glimpses of colour in the background.

Walk around the corner, and this is the colourful border, perfectly planted with salvia, euphorbia grasses and lupins. Note the repeated use of blue salvia which draws the eye along the border. A masterclass in planting techniques!

I was delighted to hear that 2023 was the NGS’s most successful year ever, with £4 million being raised for health and nursing charities. 3,372 gardens are opening this year. More than 500 new gardens are joining in. Nearly 1,000 gardens are opening ‘by arrangement’ where you can book a time to visit at mutual convenience and look around a garden at your leisure. I’m really hoping that 2024 proves to be another record-breaking year. So many cancer charities in particular benefit from the NGS support, and there are few of us who haven’t had a relative or friend needing cancer treatment of some kind. And personally, several of my relatives have benefited from the much-needed care of the Macmillan nurses. The NGS support a whole host of other nursing and health-related charities too. Check them out on the website:

Photo; Anna Omiotek-Tott . The Manor House, Ayot St Lawrence, Herts. 18th/ 19th May. Designed by Julie Toll.

Have you heard of the National Garden Scheme? I do still come across a few people when I give garden club talks who haven’t heard. Please spread the word. Are any of you planning to visit favourite open gardens- or planning to investigate new ones this year? Do get in touch and let me know!

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4 thoughts on “National Garden Scheme launches its 2024 campaign.

  1. I hadn’t heard yet that 2023 was the best year yet – our district has a lunch at the beginning of March, so we would have heard about the fantastic news then. I am tentatively increasing the price of my plants this year as well as refreshments, which will all help. How lovely to see glimpses of some of the garden designers’ gardens in your post – must check details of them and try and work in a vist to some as part of a longer trip perhaps…

    Liked by 1 person

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