Chocolate Fridge Tiffin- with Autumn Raspberries

On the first day we’ve had snow, I’m sharing my favourite chocolate recipe. Guaranteed to bring cheer, for anyone struggling with the onset of cold weather. Like all my recipes, it’s quick to make and uses produce from the garden. Autumn Bliss raspberries are still producing fruit. An unbelievably long cropping season this year. I’m still picking a few for my breakfast porridge each day. And think of all that vitamin C. Makes this recipe seem almost healthy! Go on, treat yourself.

Chocolate Tiffin

100g Butter

2 mars bars- chopped

2 tbsp golden syrup

240g milk or dark chocolate

5 digestive biscuits

9 rich tea biscuits

One and a half teacups rice crispies

15g glacé cherries

Three quarters of a cup of sultanas

120g chocolate for the top. I used Cadbury’s Bournville.

Melt the chocolate, mars bars, syrup and butter together in the microwave.

Mix with the crushed biscuits, crispies and dried fruit. Cool slightly and add a handful of fresh raspberries.

Spread in a 9″x9″ foil or paper-lined tray.

Cover top with melted chocolate

Place in the fridge.

Cut into slices and serve with fresh raspberries.

Will last three days in a cool place. If you can resist them that long.

Wrapped in cellophane and ribbon, they make a lovely home-made present.

Have a listen in to the BBC Down to Earth radio programme where we answer gardeners’ questions on the live phone-in. We are all sitting in the studio – munching my chocolate tiffin- this week. Here’s the link for the radio i-player

I wrote about how to listen to radio programmes on the I-player at

Do you have any favourite recipes for cold weather?

For more inspiration – read Making Winter- a creative guide for surviving the winter months, by Emma Mitchell. Published by LOM Art, an imprint of Michael O’Mara Books. Emma’s mouthwatering recipes and pretty craft ideas turn even the bleakest wintery day into a warm and cheerful celebration. The book is like a warm hug on a frosty day.

I can highly recommend it. There’s a link Here .

There’s recipes for chocolate fondant, lemon and ginger bars and even hawthorn gin. Ideas for things to make include a crochet shawl and matching scarf, and knitted wrist warmers. Perfect for coping with the winter chill ahead.

Baking a cake always makes me feel better when it’s freezing outdoors. Emma’s guide entices you to embrace the drab days and fill them with “baked goodness.” I wholeheartedly agree with her there.

30 thoughts on “Chocolate Fridge Tiffin- with Autumn Raspberries

  1. I’ve been thinking about buying Emma’s book for a while – I think I’ll ask for it for Christmas 🙂 and your tiffin recipe sounds lovely – I do like tiffin 🙂 love bec – waving from a soggy Salford

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Bec. The book is simply stunning. A delight to just sit and look at- to be honest. Even if you are not planning to make anything, it’s nice to dream a little. A friend suggests Aldi is the best place for the chocolate- and I bought some yesterday and can confirm it is excellent and good value. Last week I made it with cooking chocolate – which was not cheap- but the result was terrible. Waving back from a (thankfully mild and dry) muddy Leicestershire country lane. x


  2. Pingback: Fairy Lights for the Greenhouse- and an update from this week’s BBC radio programme for gardeners | Bramble Garden

  3. I had to smile when I read this, Karen, as we have had ‘tiffin’ in the family for many years and I am sure the recipe was not new even to my Mum, so we are going back quite a few years. I am always expected to produce sone for Younger Daughter’s birthday (32 this year!) although she does have the recipe and will make it herself as well. Our recipe is a little simpler though – no rice crispies, definitely no Mars bars, no chocolate on the top and originally cocoa but no chocolate in the mixture although I do add melted choc now as modern day biscuits seem to have something lacking and the mixture seems to be too dry without it. The original had no cherries either ( and no raspberries) but was always pretty yummy although I do sometimes add cherries or coconut these days – I have no intention of adding rice crispies or Mars bars though but you have prompted me to try adding some freeze dried raspberries ps I have a wonderful new recipe for coconut and lime cake which you will can try out at next year’s Open Garden! And by the way, I heartily recommend Aldi’s dark chocolate – I use their 70% in baking and 85% for nibbling 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Cathy. That cake sounds delicious. We really enjoyed the cakes when we visited this summer. It was so lovely to sit in your garden room gazing at the sitooterie and little stream. I hadn’t thought of Aldi for the chocolate. That’s very good advice. I used some from Waitrose, but it was too expensive to use again. I was wondering what to use next time. I’ve just bought some amaryllis from Aldi for £2.50. They are such good value. Everywhere else is charging twice that price. I do like a bargain. Thanks for reading and for your advice. Send me your Tiffin recipe, when you get time please 🙂 x


    • Thanks Gill. Does cheer you up somewhat on a cold, damp day. Blooming awful here today. Windy, cold, wet, and a rat 🐀 has made a hole in my polytunnel. Grrrr. Still, there’s one piece of tiffin left…. 🙂 x


    • Ha, you would love this one Brian. I made it with Bournville chocolate. So tasty. I must try your whiskey and ginger. I’m starting to feel the cold here. Brr. Thanks as ever for reading and for getting in touch. Much appreciated. Karen

      Liked by 1 person

    • It’s 4 degrees today and wet. But the ground is still workable. I’m going to dig up my dahlias this week if they have been frosted and blackened. I used to make these when the girls were little. However, they seem to love them now they are all grown up- as a special treat. Thanks for reading and for getting in touch. All the best. Karen


  4. This looks like the perfect recipe for our allotment happy hours where we take it in turns to make the tea and bring something to eat. Emma’s book is brilliant isn’t it. I was browsing it in my local NT shop and thought it would be perfect for my winter-loving crafty daughter’s stocking.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s certainly a lovely winter treat. I wish I belonged to an allotment society. I miss the camaraderie that you get from gardening together, sharing ideas, failures and successes. Thanks for reading and for getting in touch. Emma’s book is a feast for the senses.


  5. Hola Karen. He tenido que cambiar de navegador de internet y este no me deja usar un translate para yo write in Spanish and convertirlo in English. Si no me entiendes como antes, dímelo por favor. Tus Frambuesas de Otoño Bliss tienen este año una gran cosecha: me alegro mucho de veras. La primera nevada de la temporada: abrígate muy bien Karen. Los Tiffin parecen fáciles de hacer para una inexperta como yo y dicen “cómeme”. La cesta de mimbre es muy hermosa: flores con vegetales y frambuesas. Es preciosa. Muchísimas gracias por el enlace para tu programa de radio. Mañana como es Domingo lo voy a escuchar con un translate de conversaciones para enterarme de lo que dices. Mi English es muy malo. Lo siento, me gustaría ser bilingüe, pero no lo soy ni lo seré. El libro de Emma es muy polifacético: te enseña ha hacer una tarta y ha hacer un chal. Es el libro ideal para el Invierno. Me encanta. Recuerdos para tu Madre. Karen mucho cariño para ti. Saludos con cariño de Margarita.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Margarita. I am working on a translation. By the end of this I am sure I’ll be able to speak Spanish,which will be so useful if I travel over to visit you. I am glad you enjoyed my recipes and the book. Greetings to you and your family. Love from karen and Mum xx


      • Karen hope you came to visit me in Spain and meet us. Would be wonderful! I have already fixed the Internet browser and it already has a good translation. I have started studying English online. I go for the first lesson but you learn and remember a lot English. From time to time I will say some phrase to practice. “I am a student of English I am tall and my friend Karen is a beautiful girl wiht a gold heart.” I will have screwed up hahahaha! 🙂 but it does not matter, right? Give many memories to your Mother and to you Karen all my love. Loving greetings from Margarita.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Phew, I’m thankful you have fixed the translator. I was struggling with my Spanish. Good for you for learning English. You can practice here any time. It is such a difficult language to learn. French I think is much easier. Greetings to you and your parents. Love from Karen and Mum. You never know,we might be able to come over- one day :)) x


    • It’s the easiest thing to make. Even easier to eat! So scrumptious. Just right for lifting the spirits on a cold day. It’s blooming freezing here today! Thanks for reading. You’ll love that book. It’s my daily delight. x

      Liked by 1 person

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