Six on Saturday. A peaceful walk around my garden. 20th July 2019

Looking west.

Field boundaries awash with seedling clematis. I never cut them back. They grow as they please. Clematis Betty Corning is very similar. Long flowering in the shade of the hedge.

Rosa American Pillar survives without much care. This one came from a holiday cutting taken (with permission) from the front garden of a cottage at Sandsend. We used to rent the school house at the bottom of the valley for summer holidays with the family. A lovely reminder of sunny days, sea and sand.

Protected by tall hedges, the plot provides all the cut flowers, fruit and veg we need. No sprays or chemicals are used here. It’s a haven for wildlife – as well as me. Don’t look too closely. There’s plenty of weeds.

Flowers from the plot. On sale at Six Acre Nursery, Costock, Leicestershire. All proceeds to Rainbows Hospice for children and young people.

Sometimes I make door wreaths from the flowers. Here’s one I made this week.

Enjoy your weekend.

Links :

Six on Saturday :

Seeds from :

Rainbows Hospice:

You might like to read :

Also, In a Vase on Monday:

About Bramble Garden :

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karengimson1 on instagram

27 thoughts on “Six on Saturday. A peaceful walk around my garden. 20th July 2019

  1. How nice that you get copies of plants that are important to you. Almost everything that was planted into my former garden has history like that. My first zonal geraniums had been with me in every home I ever lived in since junior high; and my second zonal geraniums had been with since about 1992. I got my rhubarb from my great grandfather before I was in kindergarten.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Karen, trust you are well on the mend after you gardening injury. That door wreath does look lovely. At the moment I’m happy if they look good in the ground! Talking of which I have some proper tidying to do in my wisteria border, it has got very unruly in there. Removing the annual poppies has revealed a bit of a mess. I’m inclined to completely refresh the planting this autumn. Such fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Funnily enough, I had a conversation today with a friend about weeds and growth that drops from heaven. We both abut onto fields, though in different locations. This year there is much more vigorous weed and grasses growth, some not usually quite so abundant, not all of them pretty and interesting flowering varieties. She commented Nettles always get the ‘last word’, [a ping back then a stinging attack on the arm].

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Karen your hedges I love, they are magnificent and among them you can see the beautiful fields as paintings that change according to the seasons. Rosa Pilar Americano, apart from the fabulous memories it brings you, is divine. Karen is ecological just like me, that’s why you have so many wild animals living in your garden, it’s wonderful! I love your flower beds, and I know that you sell them all and the whole collection goes to Rainbows Hospice: your heart is immeasurable … (I loved the link to Rainbows Hospice). What fantastic flowers, I love them. What a wonderful and charming wreath, I love it! You are an expert in Karen garlands. Thank you very much for the walk through your fabulous garden, it has been wonderful. I will try to enjoy the weekend despite the heat, 38ºC today and tomorrow 39ºC and at night 23ºC. I hope you have a great weather. Enjoy your weekend. Karen love, health and strength for your whole family and for you. Take care and rest. Affectionate caresses to Meg and Grace. Very loving greetings from Margarita.

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